Parental Engagement
We understand that parents will have questions from time to time. Wood Field Primary School welcomes parents to discuss any questions or concerns. Please see the Channels of Communication document for more details.
Each Year Group has an email address for you to contact the class teachers directly. If you have any concerns or questions regarding the timetable, school trips, reading books, friendships, lost property etc, then please email as below:
Meetings between parents/carers and teachers are held twice a year; these are an opportunity to discuss your child’s progress.
Parents are also invited into Wood Field Primary School throughout the year to share Christmas events, sports days and special topic work.
Wood Field Primary School publishes weekly year group newsletters to parents that contain details about what is happening in class.
The school also warmly encourages parents to ask questions in its Parent Partnership Forum.
All parents are members of the PSA and Wood Field Primary School welcomes any support that can be given. For more information please see the PSA page.