Wood Field Primary School PSA is made up of parents and staff who work together to raise funds to support the children in school. We have a committee in place to ensure the everyday running of the PSA is seamless and that everyone gets the most from the fundraising. We are a registered charity with the Charity Commission and we are also members of Parenkind. Every parent is automatically a member of the PSA and we welcome any support you can give.
You can help by:
- Giving your time: Without volunteers we can not run our events
- Giving your money: Your donations/payments for events go a long way
- Entering our School Lottery
- Purchasing 'My Name Tags' name labels for school uniform
- Using the 'Easy Fundrasing' app
In the academic year 2021-22, the PSA fundraised a staggering £30,052 for the school.
The PSA set up class Whatsapp groups each year to help with communication regarding PE days, school trips etc. Please see the Whatsapp guidelines here.