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Wood Field Primary School

Safeguarding at Wood Field


At Wood Field we are fully committed to safeguarding our pupils and staff. We take notice of and adhere to all the national and local policies and guidance in regard to Safeguarding Children and Young People.

Safeguarding is summarised as:

  • protecting children from harm
  • preventing damage to children’s health or development
  • making sure that children grow up safely, and
  • taking action to make sure all children have the best start in life.

At Wood Field we believe that our safeguarding systems and processes are efficient in acting

  • responsively to arising issues and
  • proactively to avoid others arising. 

We work closely with external safeguarding agencies and reflect on our own practices constantly and rigorously as well as seeking guidance and feedback from all stakeholders.  We are particularly lucky to be working so closely as part of the Greenshaw Learning Trust since joining them and benefit from not only the support from the GLT Safeguarding Lead but also a network of Designated Safeguarding Leaders within Sutton and the GLT.

A copy of our Wood Field Child-friendly Safeguarding Leaflet explains the importance of keeping safe and safeguarding in child appropriate terms.

Our Safeguarding Policy can also be found on our policies page, along with other relevant policies such as our Behaviour Policy, Special Educational Needs policy and others.

Please use the navigation bar to the left to read more about safeguarding at Wood Field and also find advice for parents and other stakeholders on how they can safeguard their children.

Wood Field Safeguarding Team

Anoushka Burrell Assistant Head & Lead DSL


Laura Rodger - Head Teacher


Jenny Ryan - Deputy Head 


Lindy Sills - Assistant Head


Katie Fowkes-Smith - SENCO


Clare Greenwood - EYFS & KS1 Phase Manager


Fiona McManus - Lower KS2 Phase Manager


Olivia Johnston - Upper KS2 Phase Manager