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Wood Field Primary School


At Oak Field, interventions play a vital role in supporting our children’s development. These run in addition to and alongside the Occupational therapy and Speech and language therapy inputs that all of our children receive. Class teachers, therapist and the management team help to identify children who may need these interventions across Oak Field. Interventions aim to support in-class learning, emotional development, and relationships and to reinforce Zones of Regulation across the school.  

Interventions at Oak Field include:

ELSA-  Emotional Literacy Support Assistant - Cuttle Club with Miss Orchison

ELSA at Oak Field plays a key role in supporting the emotional needs of our children. By liaising with the teaching and management teams and with support from the Educational Psychologist, the aim of ELSA is to deliver a program which offers the appropriate support for developing our pupil’s emotional literacy. This may be a short term support, for example to support with an immediate transition like moving house, or over a longer period of time depending on the need of the pupil. The ultimate goal is to empower our children with vital tools which they can use to support their emotional regulation, a skill which is key to supporting their progress, not only at Oak Field but in the rest of their educational journey and adult lives. Sessions may be 1:1 or in small groups, enabling the development of their relationships at Oak Field too. You can find out more about ELSA here:

Pupil Premium- Coral Club with Miss May

Pupil Premium funding allows us to offer targeted support for children from more disadvantaged backgrounds. At Oak Field, pupil premium interventions run to provide additional resources and bespoke staff support for our children. After identifying key aims with class teachers and other intervention staff at Oak Field, the children will take part in both individual and small group sessions designed to extend their progress and provide additional opportunities for learning. These activities may include cooking, crafts, trips in the community and specialist resources which will support development. You can find out more about pupil premium funding here:

Girls Group - Mermaids with Mrs Woodford

Girls make up a smaller part of the Oak Field community and we therefore run a weekly girls group to support the girls in their emotional development. Themes such as personal and emotional development may be explored as well as the giving the girls a safe space and friendly face to give them the support they need through their time at Oak Field. These small group sessions also help to develop friendships and there is a big focus on positive relationships. These sessions always have an emphasis on fun and creativity to provide the girls with an engaging and supportive environment.

Intensive Interaction with Mrs Eldridge

Intensive Interaction has been a valuable intervention used at Oak Field for a number of years. It gives our children another way to interact and communicate with the world around them. We want to ensure that the children feel safe and connected and Intensive Interaction sessions provide a fantastic platform to build on these values. Sessions are 1:1 and there is a big emphasis on the small details of children’s behaviour and responding sensitively to develop communication and relationships. You can out more about Intensive Interaction here: