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Wood Field Primary School

Who's Who

Lindy Sills- Assistant Head for Inclusion

Hello! My name is Lindy Sills and I am the Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion at Wood Field. I have previously worked in the same role at Bandon Hill Meadow Field for a number of years and have lots of experience working with children and families.

My role in school is to oversee and manage the provision for children with additional needs and to ensure that all children, regardless of need, have access to the Quality First Teaching they deserve.

Children and young people should be supported to achieve the best outcomes, educational or otherwise.  At Wood Field Primary we follow the SEND Code of Practice by using the graduated response in collaboration with pupils and their families.

Katie Fowkes-Smith- SENCo 

Hello, I am the SENCo at Wood Field. As a SENCo, I am passionate about removing children’s barriers to learning to give every child the best possible chance to succeed. I have been a teacher for six years, and completed my SENCo training at Roehampton University in 2017. I have always had a keen interest in SEND and prior to teaching I worked as a Key Worker for local play schemes, supporting children who had special educational needs access after school and school club provision. 

Jade Allan- Wellbeing Lead

Hello, my name is Miss Allan, I am the Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead for Wood Field. I am the designated member of staff responsible for coordinating our school's provision to support mental wellbeing in our school. In my role, I oversee our school's ELSA provision, wellbeing curriculum (including our Relationship and Sex Education programme) and organise mental health initiatives that take place at Wood Field to develop a whole school approach to support mental wellbeing.

I have developing links with specialist mental health services in the local area and know which local and national help and support services are available in order to signpost pupils and families to access help and support.


Helen Williams- ELSA

Hello, my name is Helen Williams.  I am an ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) at Wood Field. The key role of an ELSA is to help children learn and practice social and emotional skills, help children to feel valued and listened to and to advocate their needs within the school.   I have been trained to support children with their Emotional Literacy and the areas I work on with children, either individually or as a group are, emotional awareness, social skills, friendship skills, self-esteem, anger management and loss and bereavement.  To do this I provide a consistent time and place to work, ELSA is time limited to assist the development of specific skills, usually for 6-10 weeks. As an ELSA I will stay with the feelings and create a reflective space. 


Gail Newman- Family Support Worker & ELSA

Hello! My name is Gail Newman and I am the Family Support Worker for Wood Field.

My role in school is to provide support, advice and information to families within our school community. I can help you with any worries that you may have in relation to your child’s education, behaviour and wellbeing. I am also here as someone to talk to if you need it!

Support for children includes: promoting good attendance and punctuality, promoting self-esteem and confidence, promoting positive behaviour and attitudes towards learning.

Support for families includes: Signposting you to services in the local area, Liaising with a range of external services such as housing and social care, assistance with completing paperwork and attending meetings with outside agencies with you.