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Wood Field Primary School

Physical and Sensory

Some pupils require special educational provision because they have a disability which prevents them or hinders them from making use of the educational facilities generally provided. Children who require specialist support and/or equipment to access their learning will also include those with a vision impairment (VI), hearing impairment (HI) or a multisensory impairment (MSI). 

To support your child at home you can try the following:

Please click the links for further information and resources.

1st Move- Fine & Gross Motor resource booklet

1st Move is a resource inteded to support parents and carers. It is written to be a child friendly approach focusing on skill development. 1st Move emphasises functional skill development. The emphasis is on quality movements.

Fine & Gross Motor activies

This is a selection of activities you can easily do at home to aid your child's development of both their fine and gross motor skills. There is a range of different activities you can try, using everyday objects you can find around the home. 

Pre-writing strokes booklet

An activity book to develop fine motor skills and pencil control. This booklet can be followed with a pencil, or you can have some fun with it and use your whole body!


       Sensory circuits

Sensory circuits are structured activities designed to support your child  in regulating their sensory processing needs and motor skills.

The pack contains 14 cards for alerting, organising and calming activities. Start with alerting activities, follow with organisational tasks and finish with a calming option.