The School Day
Our school day starts at 9.15am and finishes at 3pm.
The Oak Field school day starts at 9.15. Children will go to class and begin 'hello'. These sessions focus on social interaction and communication, and some classes may also discuss the date, weather and share how they feel.
Our morning learning will usually include a phonics session, in which we follow the Read Write Inc scheme, as well as maths lessons, which enable us to revise key maths concepts before participating in focused learning activities.
We may also have Attention Autism during our morning routine. These sessions support our pupil’s attention and learning skills through highly motivating and interactive whole class inputs, and continue to be a favourite with our children.
Learning is interspersed with movement and sensory breaks throughout the morning, including opportunities to visit our specialist rooms.
Afternoons can offer children the opportunity to participate in small group or individual sessions with their Speech and Language Therapist (SALT) or Occupational Therapist (OT) on targets directly linked to their physical or communication needs.
At the end of a busy school day, filled with lots of learning and play opportunities, it is time to say goodbye at 3pm!
Considerable planning goes into devising the curriculum at Oak Field; this will be slightly different in each class to reflect the needs of the pupils. All sessions are implemented with the purpose of supporting at least one of the four areas of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities; Cognition and Learning, Communication and Interaction, Sensory and Physical and Social, Emotional and Mental Health.